He came from a happy, loving home, but could not escape the realities of poverty. With school being his only opportunity for a meal, this 12-year-old would have to go to bed hungry tonight. At least he is able to get a meal or two at school each day, right? That is right until school breaks and the summer months come along. Without a consistent meal plan in place during those months, this child will face a major hunger crisis.
She came from a nice upper-class family but could not escape the realities of feeling unloved. broken home. A latch key kid whose parents were more concerned with climbing the corporate ladder rather than spending time with their daughter. With each year that passed this teen tried to find love in all the wrong places. The want to just simply be loved led her down a road of poor choices and eventually even being molested. Now at the young age of 15 years old her life has spiraled out of control and she no longer trusts anyone.
He came from a broken home that left an absent father and a single mother who was trying to make ends meet. Left alone every day at home to his own devices got him to searching for a place to fit in and belong. One thing led to another and that 14-year-old kid became a member of a local gang. His strong desire to have a sense of belonging in his teen years has now led him to a life of prison.
For several years, Christy Chapman and Victoria Phillips have worked together. During those years, they have spent countless hours serving our community, families, and those who are in need. It was their relentless passion for helping others and their desire to provide the community with a program built on a solid foundation of family values that led to the idea of the Rec Project, Inc.
In late 2020, during a routine management meeting, Christy and Victoria pondered the scenarios presented above. Why should our community’s youth ever have to face such things as hunger, feeling unloved, or trying to find a sense of belonging? How can we provide our youth with a safe place to go while making them feel loved and wanted? Would these children’s lives have turned out differently had a program like The Rec Project, Inc. been available? It was these questions and concerns that led to a decision to open a youth recreation center in East Ridge, TN for kids ranging from elementary to high school. They were thrilled at the idea of having a permanent location for students where they could receive nourishment, love, and belonging throughout the school year and during school breaks.
Having made the decision to turn this dream into a reality, Christy announced via social media that the property and space located at 6101 Ringgold Road in East Ridge, TN would be renovated and house The Rec Project, Inc. Once the plans were announced the community immediately responded with an overwhelming amount of support! Within a matter of a few weeks, people and schools donated fitness equipment, computers with software installed, office equipment, fully furnished kitchen, tables, couches, shelving, and medical equipment. It was this pouring out of love and support from family, friends, and local business’s that made us realize that we were doing was much needed in our community. As of this time, we are preparing for a grand opening of The Rec Project for its debut in August 2021.
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